Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Beacon Journal | 08/31/2005 | Strap on boots and hit the trail

Beacon Journal | 08/31/2005 | Strap on boots and hit the trail

Yes, it is that time of year again. The annual Fall Hiking Spree. This is, unquestionably, the biggest event in Ohio that has spawned other copy-cat events (like in Stark County that is mentioned) and even the local National Park has gotten in on the action over the summer.

There was a side bar not mentioned in the article (why do they do shit things like that) that the Ohio & Erie Canalway Coalition is doing their Towpath Trek and the Wilderness Center is also having its Hiking Extravaganza. It does not look like any double ups this year on the Towpath Trek. The Wilderness Center only has 6 or 7 miles worth of trails, and it has a Volksmarch through it which covers 3 or 4 of the 6 trails. I usually do it in two days.

This year, especially given the $3/gallon for gas they are predicting, I probably will not do the Stark County program. The Fall Hiking Spree is usually easily done by trips home or otherwise around town so it will be no problem. Three of the four Towpath Trek trails are either on the way home or close to home and I should be able to do them as well.

As for ongoing programs, I did finish up the already mentioned CVNP Challenge program, and I already have enough walking in for Akron General Medial Center's Healthy Steps program. Granted the Healthy Steps program is aimed at someone who walks a little less than I do, but this was far from a typical summer for me. This was only a marathon, and given that I try to walk at least 15 miles a week when I am healthy this should have been a no brainer. Oh well it will be interesting to see what they give for completing the program.

I just found out that the Cleveland Metroparks was running the Walking Works program all summer as well. Many of these trails are on my way home. Since it runs through the end of October I may try to get these trails in as well. Time will tell.

Maybe later today I will talk about some programs I am working on through the American Volksport Association.

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