Thursday, June 23, 2005

Celsius1414: Zen Pockets

Celsius1414: Zen Pockets

I picked up this article through 43 Folders, a pretty cool site I recently added to my feed list.

I have to admit I do not carry a ton of stuff around all day, although I do carry more than I should. Mostly I leave my wallet locked in my desk, but it is getting out of control size wise and, since I am in need of a new one, been thinking about downsizing.

As for some of the other things mentioned - I could downsize a few keys from my keyring, but then again I only have 6 or 7 keys anyways so that is not a big deal. I hate cell phones, so mine stays in my bag, turned off. Half the time on the weekend I don't carry it at all. My PDA is slim and easily fits in my pocket. I slide it in and out when I think I will need it, otherwise I lock it at my desk (we have had some theft problems since moving).

[Update: Counted my keys this morning and I have 5. I could get rid of 2. The bigger problem is all the damn barcode thingies for store discounts. I actually have 6 of those.]

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