Monday, July 18, 2005

TiVo Wants You to Watch Commercials - Yahoo! News

TiVo Wants You to Watch Commercials - Yahoo! News

There are 2 aspects to this, in my mind:

1 - People want to not only want to time shift their shows but they want to take less time watching them. To expect people to sit down at a specific time for a set period of time any more is unheard of.

2 - MAKE THE DAMN COMMERCIALS INTERESTING! I get soooooo tired of seeing the same commercial not only on EVERY commercial break for a show, but many times multiple times within the same break. I don't mind watching commericals that are interesting, or at least different. It is the price of admission to "free" TV, but at least give me a reason to WANT to watch commercials.

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