Thursday, December 02, 2004

Are we sure it is not Friday?

Well, after my late night last night I fell right to sleep, but proceeded to wake up at 3:00 AM and cat nap between then and normal wake up time. This is the second night this has happened in a row. This trend started earlier in the year where I started waking up an hour earlier than usual. Since I don't use an alarm clock it has really become something of a problem. Fortunately I have flextime at work so unless I have a meeting first thing int the morning I am never late. There have been a few other weird symptoms that have popped up of late that is going to mean a trip to the doctor. God I hate it, but something is not quite right.

To make things even more fun, my car started blowing chucks on the way in. One water pump and belt later is should be drivable to my regular garge for a tire checkup (the water pump guys found a bubble inside my one tire) and a trip to the brake guy (dirt cheap labor - it pays to be semi-related). Unfortunately the brake issue means loosing my car for a day. Yuck. I guess I could take a day off since Brian is currently down to 1 vehicle, but I really do need to be at work. Maybe I can take a day off, borrow his car during the day and go to the doctor. Oh happy day.

I have been having trouble concentrating of late (another one of those symptoms) so I have not felt like writing much. I am trying out w.Blogger to see if I like it enough for full-time use.

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