Saturday, December 04, 2004

Feeling better

Well, after 3 nights of minimal sleep I finally feel better. I had to go to the doctor because something was not right. Aside from the lack of sleep I had an elevated heart rate. Nothing serious, but enough to get me to the doctor. He thinks it is a virus and I to see if things get better by Monday. The only thing he did was give me some samples of Benedryl to help with some post nasal drip, which I was not even aware I had. He said my throat looked like it had taken the worse of it, again. I guess it is a good thing I still have my tonsils.

Outside of that most of what I have done the last few days is try to sleep and get my car fixed. $700 later I have a new tire (bubble in the side wall), new water bump & belt, and just about every fluid in my car changed plus a tune up. Got to love when it all hits at once. So for the next few weeks I am going to be doing next to nothing as I try to save the cash to pay for all of this. I still have to go and get the brakes done, which is going to be ugly since the one mechanic said the one break's resevoir is leaking. It has been awhile though so I guess I should not be surprised.

I just finished Something M.Y.T.H. Inc. by Robert Asprin. This is a part of his Myth series of books that follow the myth-adventures (sorry) of Skeeve and his team. This is the last one that he is doing alone, and the last one under his contract so it could end up being the last one ever. I will admit this book seemed a little more forced that the others, but he has been writing these since the late 70's so I think a little slack is in order.

For those who have missed this series, if you like fantasy/adventure books I would recommend picking up one. Not only does it poke some fun at the whole fantasy/adventure genre, it also has fun with modern references. My personal favorite is Don Bruce the fairy godfather who runs the mob on Klahd (a dimension). Don Bruce is not only a real fairy, he also tends to dress in purple suits.

I also just finished watching The Stepford Wives. Not a bad show. It has a great cast and I think is a good update to the original. I never saw the original one, but in this they even include a gay couple. The one big drawback to me was Nicole Kidman in a blonde wig. Sorry, but I hate it when they make her blonde. Note to Hollywood - Leave her a red head. Ok, I have a soft spot for red heads.

Maybe tomorrow I will get into something a little more important. I have had a few little rants floating in the back of my head that I need to scribble down.

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