Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Houston, we have wifi!

I'm back!! Woo hoo!

Apparently my old wireless router went coasters up (or, more appropriately, rubber feet up). We had blinky lights, could connect to it, but it was not allowing the internet through. Kind of defeats the purpose of the router. Granted I have not swapped the antennas for my high-gain antennas that gives me some kick-ass coverage. Right now I am sitting right next to the router, about 12 inches from the antenna so I am getting excellent reception. The setup program provided did not work, but if I skipped the setup everything worked great.

Now, of course, having cleared out space to put my laptop in my office (also know as the dumping ground) I found the comfort of sitting in my comfy office chair with my computer on a desk where I can easily move my legs under the table. Normally I work with a folding table in the living room.

Just double checking to see if w.Blogger works. So far all my internet apps have worked great. Now I just need to swap antennas.

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