Sunday, October 02, 2005

Abundance Checks

I do not write the often of some of my metaphysical work, mostly because I just forget to post.

I know a lot of people who follow this practice monthly and find it works well for them. I prefer to work with the Lunar cycle, and this is a sample of a ritual that works with the New Moon. I have seen similar rituals to this one that was forwarded to me. I need to get back into more regular practices and this is simple and quick to do.

What are Abundance Checks?

Abundance checks are a tool we can use to create more abundance in our lives. They are written within 24 hours after a New Moon.

Surprisingly, you really don´t even need to believe that the check will work when you write it. You will however be amazed at the results, as you will see increased abundance in your life, in some life area. It is not always financial, but certainly in an area that you need.

There is a traditional manner, which has been handed down, that must be followed. If you do not have a checking account you can draw a check on a piece of paper and fill it out the same way- the results will be the same, more abundance for you.

Here´s how to do them:

When: Each new moon in 2005: February 8, March 10, April 8, May 8, June 6, July 6, August 4, Sept. 3, Oct. 3, Nov. 1, Dec. 1, Dec. 30.

1.) Within 24 hours after a New Moon, take a check from your check book. Where it says "Pay to," write your name.
2.) In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount write "Paid in full."
3.) On the line underneath your name, where you would write out a dollar amount, write "Paid in full."
4.) Sign the check: "The Law of Abundance."

Do not put a date on the check. Do not write a specific dollar amount in the check. Put it in a safe place and forget about it. The Universe will take it from there.

Many people are skeptical about trying this until they do it. After the first time they realize the power of these checks and do them routinely every month! Try it yourself and see!

***Bless your heart. And bless your abundance! Bless your acknowledgement! Bless your acceptance! And so it is...

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