Thursday, May 05, 2005

Some random things

Today I feel like crap. I am getting the cold/flu thingy that is going around work and I feel like crap. One of the interesting things about this is you see things in a different light.

Bovine Feces

I was reading a story in the paper and the author was quoting someone who, obviously, had said bullshit and they substituted Bovine Feces. Pretty cool idea!

Cool licsense plate

On the way to work today I saw the plate WHO RU2B. It stuck with me all day.

Professional wrestling = male soap operas

I dislike professional wrestling, however I saw an ad for one of the wrestling shows. The way it was done it reminded me a lot of ads for soap operas. It seems that if there is body slams involved it is OK for a guy to watch it.

The Longest Yard, remixed

Again I saw an ad for The Longest Yard that is coming out at the end of the month. Adam Sandler is hit or miss for me, but he will probably do a good job in this. I loved the original with Burt Reynolds, and it looks like he has a part in this one.

I think I am going to cut it there. My head hurts and I am ready to fall asleep.

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